海妖的英文 海妖用英語怎麼說?
siren n.汽笛;警報器;塞壬;鰻螈;妖婦;妖豔迷人而又危險的女人
1. 這話聽起來真像是個誘惑水手走向死亡的海妖。
So speaks the siren , leading the sailors to their death.
2. 龍捲風的消耗魔法從250降低為200(那加女海妖).
Tornado mana cost has been reduced to 200 mana from 250 mana.
3. 我能聽見她每天暖身,就像一個動人歌聲的海妖
I can hear her warming-up, bellowing like a siren through the scales.
4. 遙遠的海面上有一島嶼,石崖邊居住著唱魔歌的海妖塞壬三姐妹。
Far out in the sea there was an island, on the rocky edge of which lived three Sirens, the three sisters of magic song.
5. 而我則像荷馬史詩中的尤利西斯,為了抵抗海妖
But I am like Ulysses, safely lashed to my ship’s mast, yearning for the sirens’ song.
6. 然而,法國對於梯也爾在議會上發表的自以為象海妖的歌聲一樣迷人的言辭置若罔聞。
France, however, turned a deaf ear to what Thiers flattered himself to be a parliamentary siren's song.
7. 而在遠處,如海妖之歌不停召喚的正是璀璨耀眼的舊金山,引誘您再次回來體驗它的魅力。
And over there, in the distance, beckoning like a siren's song is dazzling San Francisco - tempting you back for another taste.
8. 一個夜晚保護娜迦女海妖的任務中,他遭遇到了強盜們從四面八方發動的突然襲擊而失去了作戰能力。
One night while on an assignment to protect a Naga Siren, he was raided from all sides by a group of bandits rendering him unable to fight.
9. Sirens(塞壬),人面鳥身的海妖,會用她們天籟般的歌喉誘惑過路的航海者而使航船觸礁沉沒。
Sirens were bird-women who lived by the sea and would use their magical voices to lure sailors to their deaths.
10. 你已經做好準備像奧德修斯把自己捆綁在桅杆上向毀滅的邊緣揚帆遠航,僅僅只是為了能夠聽到一次海妖歌唱?
Are you prepared to bind yourself to the mast like Odysseus and sail to the brink of destruction, just for one chance to hear the Sirens sing?
海妖(Banshee)是一位出現在漫威中著名連載系列《X戰警》的和超級英雄。首次出現於《X戰警》(X-Men)第28期(1967年一月),由Roy Thomas和Werner Roth所繪。