高熱量的英文 高熱量用英語怎麼說?
high heat
常用 重點詞彙
1. 高熱量的食物,如巧克力和餅乾。
High-calorie foods, such as chocolate and biscuits.
2. 吃高熱量的夜宵離不開可口可樂。
Eat up high-caloric food and can't give up coke-cola.
3. 另一組餵食高熱量, 高脂肪的食物.
Another group ate high - fat, high - calorie foods.
4. 去健身房鍛鍊。另外,不要喝高熱量飲料。
Going to the gym and working out. Also, don't drink your calories.
5. 幸運的是,這裡還有另外一種高熱量食物。
Fortunately, there's another high-calorie food here.
6. 乾果屬於高熱量食品。
The dry fruit belongs to high thermal food.
7. 一小塊兒高熱量的巧克力就是個不錯的選擇。
A piece of high-quality chocolate is a good choice.
8. 我也非常喜歡喝酒,包括一些高熱量的雞尾酒。
I also really enjoy drinking alcohol, including some high-calorie cocktails.
9. 今天,富含鹽、糖和脂肪的高熱量食物隨處可見。
Today, calorie-dense food loaded with salt, sugar and fat is everywhere.
10. 沒有必要讓自己養成用咖啡機研製高熱量咖啡的習慣。
There's no need to drag yourself to the coffee machine for a high-octane cup of joe.
high heat