外來的英文 外來用英語怎麼說?
outside n.外面;表面;外表;外觀;外側;外跑道;一令紙的上下兩張
external adj.外面的;外部的;外表的;表面的;外來的;外界的;對外的;外部世界的;客觀的;外用的
foreign adj.外國的;來自外國的;外國語的;陌生的;不熟悉的;外來的;外交的;對外的;外地的;涉外的
常用 權威
1. 外來詞
foreign/loan/borrowed word
2. 外來語
word of foreign origin; foreign word; loanword
3. 外來妹
non-local woman worker [young woman who earns her livelihood in a place other than her hometown]
4. 外來戶
household from another place; non-native; out-of-towner
5. 外來勢力
alien influence
6. 外來人口
non-native population
7. 外來影響
alien influences;extrinsic/external/outside influence
8. 天外來客
visitor from the outer space—extraterrestrial being; unidentified flying object (UFO)
9. 外來種
exotic species
10. 外來干涉
foreign intervention; external/outside interference
11. 外來壓力
external/outside pressure
12. 外來移民
13. 外來繼承人
extraneous heir
14. 外來投資者
external investor
15. 外來侵略
external invasion;external aggression
16. 防禦外來侵略
guard against external aggression
17. 外來務工人員
out-of-town temporary worker; migrant worker
18. 譴責外來入侵
denounce foreign invasion
19. 外來從業人員
out-of-town employee
20. 抗議外來侵略
protest against foreign aggression
1. 把它們當作外來物種對待。
Treating them as alien species.
2. 研究證明了綠色對西班牙外來人口的影響。
Studies proved the influence of greenness on populations outs of Spain.
3. 有些寵物是外來的,例如猴子、蛇、蝴蝶甚至狼。
Some of the pets are exotic, such as monkeys, snakes, butterflies and even wolves.
4. 我們把他們譽為成長中的美國人,或給他們歸為應該被驅逐的外來人。
We hail them as Americans in the making, or brand them as aliens to be kicked out.
5. 他呼籲停止對其國家的外來侵略。
He called for an end to foreign aggression against his country.
6. 從英格蘭移居奧克尼群島的外來者。
An English incomer to Orkney.
7. 我們用外來標準來檢查我們的工作。
We are benchmarking our performance against external criteria.
8. 使用外來樂器給合唱增添了東方色彩。
The chorus is given oriental colouring by the use of exotic instruments.
9. 1546年英格蘭不得不抵抗外來侵略。
[mass noun]in 1546 England had to be defended from invasion.
10. 對許多人來講,教堂是外來權力的象徵。
For many people the church was a symbol of external authority.
形詞 outside; external; foreign
1. 外來侵略
external invasion