配額的英文 配額用英語怎麼說?
quota n.定額;定量;限額;分得的部分;配額;任務份額;指標;當選規定票數
常用 權威
1. 配額制
quota system
2. 出口配額
export quota;export quota
3. 配額限制
quota restriction
4. 規定配額
set a quota (on)
5. 全球配額
global quotas
6. 配額管理
quota administration
7. 國別配額
country quota
8. 配額外匯
rationing exchange
9. 增加配額
add to a quota
10. 配額數量
quota quantities
11. 超過配額
exceed the quota
12. 關稅配額
customs/tariff/duty quota
13. 進口配額
import quota;import quota
14. 分配配額
assign a quota
15. 配額分配
quota allocation
16. 配額交易
rationing transaction
17. 配額期限
quota period
18. 單邊進口配額
unilateral import quota
19. 外匯配額制度
exchange quota system
1. 但是我喜歡配額的作用。
But I like what the quotas do.
2. 我個人不喜歡配額。
Personally, I don't like quotas.
3. 有人把公司配額作為促進性別平等的一種方式。
Somebody pushes corporate quotas as a way to promote gender equity.
4. 當挪威在全國範圍內實行企業性別配額時,情況正是如此。
That is exactly what happened when Norway adopted a nationwide corporate gender quota.
5. 有關生產者、配額和書面陳述的起訴與反起訴。
Charges and countercharges concerning producers, quotas, and affidavits
6. 最後警告磁碟配額的日期和時間。
Date and time of last warning about disk quota.
7. 對其出口免徵關稅、不實行配額;
This includes tariff- and quota-free access for their exports;
8. 美國海關釋出最新配額狀態報告.
The United States Customs has issued the Commodity Status Report for Tariff Rate Quotas.
9. 支援強制配額的理由主要有兩種。
There are two main arguments for compulsory quotas.
10. 在“配額”選單上單擊“關閉”。
On the Quota menu, click Close.
名詞 quota
1. 全球配額
global quotas
2. 進口配額
import quota
3. 出口配額
export quota
4. 配額限制
quota restriction
5. 配額外匯
rationing exchange
6. 配額數量
quota quantities
7. 增加配額
add to a quota
8. 減少配額
cut/reduce a quota
9. 規定配額
set a quota (on)
10. 分配配額
assign a quota
11. 達到配額
meet/reach the quota
12. 超過配額
exceed the quota