得不到的英文 得不到用英語怎麼說?
cannot obtain; cannot get
常用 重點詞彙
1. 它幾乎得不到環保組織的支援。
It will win little support from environmental organisations.
2. 公民的隱私得不到有效保護。
Citizens' privacy is not effectively protected.
3. 即使在那個時代,牙齒衛生也得不到保障。
Even then, dental hygiene was not guaranteed.
4. 牙齒衛生得不到保證。
Dental hygiene was not guaranteed.
5. 你得不到分數,你去那裡只是因為你想學習。
And you don't get grades, and you go just because you want to learn.
6. 付出我們的愛,儘管有時我們得不到任何回報。
Give our love, though we sometimes get nothing in return.
7. 蚊子鬧得他們得不到應有的休息。
The mosquitoes tore them away from their well-earned rest.
8. 她的要求得不到滿足時就哭鼻子。
She turned on the waterworks whenever she didn’t get what she wanted.
9. 那時候好人得不到支援,壞人猖狂得很。
Good people found no support while bad people went unrestrained at that time.
10. 如果這次他得不到提升,他會覺得面子上過不去。
He will find it difficult to live with himself, if he is not promoted this time.
cannot obtain; cannot get