取長補短的英文 取長補短用英語怎麼說?
draw on others'strong points to offset/overcome one's own weaknesses; make up for one's deficiencies by learning from others'strong points; complement each other
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 我們應當互相學習,取長補短。
We should learn from each other to make up our deficiencies.
2. 這樣玻璃瓶和塑膠瓶的特性互相取長補短.
The advantages of the glass bottle and the plastic bottle complement each other.
3. 增進友誼,取長補短,共同提高,服務社會。
Enhance friendship, learning from and jointly improve and serve the community.
4. 高等教育, 科學研究, 誠實交流,取長補短.
Higher education, scientific research, honest communication and each other.
5. 在我看來,不同的文化應該相互學習,取長補短。
In my opinion, different culture should learn from each other to assimilate strongpoint and offset weakness.
6. 在一支好的隊伍裡, 球員們必須互相取長補短.
In a good team, players need to compensate each other.
7. 比如紐約和芝加哥相互競爭同時也相互取長補短.
New York and Chicago compete and complement on each other at the same time, the reasoning.
8. 世界各種文明和社會制度,應取長補短,共同發展。
Different civilizationssocial systems should draw uponbenefit from each other to achieve common development.
9. 每個人都有長處和短處,應該互相學習, 取長補短。
We should learn other's strongpoints to overcome our shortcomings as both of them exist in every people.
10. 跟她一起玩,捉迷藏, 一起互幫互助, 一起取長補短.
Together with her play and seek, together with mutual help, along with each other.
《取長補短》是由上海電影製片廠製作發行,張惠鈞執導,黃進捷擔任編劇,李夏青、季平、鐵牛、解衍主演的劇情電影,於1985年1月1日在中國大陸上映。 該片講述了春江縣汽車運輸三個女司機楊華(李夏青 飾)、小顧(楊世華 飾)、牛志成(季平 飾)與隊裡小夥子們的愛情故事。
null詞 draw on others'strong points to offset/overcome one's own weaknesses; make up for one's deficiencies by learning from others'strong points; complement each other
1. 我們應當互相學習,取長補短。
We should learn from each other to make up our deficiencies.
2. 取長補短,共同提高
draw on each other's merits and raise the level together; learn from each other's good points for common progress
draw on others'strong points to offset/overcome one's own weaknesses; make up for one's deficiencies by learning from others'strong points; complement each other