七七的英文 七七用英語怎麼說?
last seventh-day memorial ceremony
常用 權威
1. 七七事變
July 7th Incident of 1937
2. 七七八八的東西
odds and ends; medley
1. 這本書是關於七七事變的。
The book is about the July 7th Incident.
2. 這些書寫於一七三六至一七七零年之間.
These books were written between 1736 and 1770.
3. 一九七七年四月開始建設.
Construction began in April 1977.
4. 社員們於一九七七年在那兒修建了幾座小型發電站.
The commune members set up several small power stations there in 1977.
5. 一九七七年,恩師第二次赴美傳薪(這次一去半年)。
In 1977, Master Han went to the United States to teach Yiquan for the second time (He went for half a year this time).
6. 按照口頭傳統,七七節是摩西律法在西奈山產生的日子。
According to oral tradition, Feast of Weeks was the time of giving The Torah or The Law of Moses at Mount Sinai.
7. 你要計算七七日,從你開鐮收割禾稼時算起,共計七七日.
Let seven weeks be numbered from the first day when the grain is cut.
8. 七七節或收穫節在新約稱為五旬節,是在逾越節或無酵節過後第50天。
Feast of Weeks or Shavuot in New Testament is called Pentecost coming 50 days after Passover or Unleaven Bread.
9. 結論七七七酊對痺證所致的肢體、關節、肌肉疼痛、酸楚、麻木等有明顯的療效。
Conclusion Qiqiqi tincture has a definite therapeutic effect on arthralgia syndrome and it can significantly improve the pain and numbness of extremities, knuckle and muscle.
10. 我應該帶什麼?如果你去參加一個“白象聚會”,千萬記得隨身帶著七七八八的樂死人的禮物去參加聚會。
If you are invited to a white-elephant party be sure to find a ridiculous and funny present to bring with you to the party.
七七,遊戲《原神》中的5星冰系角色,藥廬“不卜廬”的採藥姑娘兼學徒,因“仙緣”而擁有不死之身,行動時需要自己給自己下敕令。 七七的記憶力非常差,為了保證日常生活的順利,她隨身攜帶著一本筆記,寫有各種各樣的注意事項。但在最不巧的那些日子裡,她連“要看筆記”這件事都會忘記。 七七的中文CV是宴寧,日語CV是田村由加莉。
七七,出生於2018年7月17日,上海野生動物園大熊貓寶寶。 2023年2月,熊貓“七七”因腸梗阻緊急送往上海仁濟醫院南院檢查,在全力救治。5月15日,上海野生動物園釋出公告稱,園內大熊貓“七七”腸梗阻手術後恢復良好,已基本康復。 它是大熊貓公主20歲高齡產下的第14個孩子。
名詞 last seventh-day memorial ceremony [held on the 49th day after sb's death]