水果糖的英文 水果糖用英語怎麼說?
fruit drops
1. 下一次你吃水果糖時,不妨試一試。
The next time you're eating fruit-flavored candy, try this.
2. 屋頂是水果糖,屋簷則是糖衣做的!
The roof was made of Smarties and the trim was made of icing sugar!
3. 那段時間嘴裡沒味或苦我就吃點水果糖。
During that time mouth did not taste or bitter fruit I eat sugar .
4. 我帶來了四塊休閒水果糖。
I brought four Fruity Tootle bars.
5. 複雜的一個重要組成部分水果糖任何飲食。
The complex sugars in fruit are an important part to any diet.
6. 明天就像是水果糖。不知道下一顆是什麼味道。
You know all you need to do is to keep it strong, and move along like you always do.
7. “我們去買水果糖
We’re getting you fruit and a lollipop. There’s no milk in that.
8. 這可能是部分原因是由於你的胃腹脹從果糖的水果糖你消費。
It could be partly due to your stomach bloating from the fructose sugars of the fruit you are consuming.
9. 如果你確實喜歡甜食,試試一把葡萄——它們是富含水果糖味的。
If you really feel like something sweet, try a handful of grapes, they’re packed full of the fruit sugar fructose.
10. 公元前1500年:埃及人發明了許多種糖果,其中就包括水果糖。
BC: The Egyptians invented many kinds of candy, including marshmallows.
水果糖是以白砂糖、澱粉糖漿、檸檬酸、水果香精、食用色素為原料,調配而成的一種糖果,是婚慶和節日常見的休閒食品。 其製作方法是先溶解白砂糖,用篩子過濾雜質。採取常壓熬製,熬糖濃度達97.5%以上時即出鍋。糖液溫度降到120~110℃之間時,加入檸檬酸等調味料和色素等混和攪勻,糖冷卻到85℃左右時,拉成條型。成型的糖果進一步冷卻,除去不合格的糖果,最後包裝即可。