賣掉的英文 賣掉用英語怎麼說?
put off 拖延, 推遲
sell off 賣掉;出售;拋售
part with 與…分開, 捨棄
1. 賣掉商號
sell a business
2. 賣掉一家企業
sell out a business
1. Carl以2200法郎賣掉了它。
Carl sold it for twenty-two hundred francs.
2. 她以2000美元賣掉了它。
She sold it for two thousand dollars.
3. 在那裡,農夫賣掉
There the farmer sold the horseshoe and with a few pennies he bought some cherries.
4. 在接下來的幾個小時裡,安吉拉和湯姆迅速而勇敢地賣掉了旗幟。
In the next couple of hours, Angela and Tom sold flags quickly and bravely.
5. 他為賣掉那批貨耍了些手腕。
He used a certain amount of craft to make the sale.
6. 農夫同意賣掉那塊地並在地契上畫了十字。
The peasant agreed to sell that piece of land and made his cross on the title deed.
7. 他想賣掉那幢房子,可迄今還沒有找到主兒。
He wants to sell that house, but so far he has found no buyer.
8. 歐內斯特把一切都賣掉後退休了。
Ernest sold up and retired.
9. 好看的物品正被熔化當廢品賣掉。
Beautiful objects are being melted down and sold for scrap.
10. 他們幾乎連一本書都沒有賣掉。
They sold hardly any books.