越來越快的英文 越來越快用英語怎麼說?
gather way 開始移動;加速
常用 重點詞彙
1. 隨著溫度的升高,水蒸發得越來越快。
Water evaporated more and more quickly as the temperature grew.
2. 社會保障金的預算正以越來越快的速度增長。
The social security budget was rising at an exponential rate.
3. 為了節省日常開支,剩書正在被越來越快地削價出售。
Titles are being remaindered increasingly quickly to save on overheads.
4. 約翰在最後一圈時跑得越來越快。
John ran faster and faster on the last lap.
5. 而且全球化的速度只會越來越快。
And the rate of globalisation is only going to increase.
6. 每天早上跑步。跑得越來越快。
Run every day in the morning. Run faster and faster and faster.
7. 然而這些挑戰越來越快地接踵而至。
Those challenges, however, are now mounting rapidly.
8. 它們逐漸靠近,旋轉速度也越來越快。
As they got closer together, they circled each other faster and faster.
9. 它告訴我們計算機降價的速度越來越快。
That shows us how quickly computing is getting cheaper.
10. 隨著現代生活步伐越來越快
With the pace of modern life becoming faster and faster.
gather way