購物天堂的英文 購物天堂用英語怎麼說?
paradise for shopping
常用 重點詞彙
1. 國際貿易大廈是人間的購物天堂.
The International Trade Building is a shopping paradise.
2. 而且,這裡還是一個著名的購物天堂。
Andthen there's the shopping.
3. 據說新加坡是個購物天堂。
They say Singapore is a shopping paradise.
4. 迪拜是陽光、沙灘和購物
Dubai is the quintessential home of sand, sun and shopping.
5. 更重要的是,我可以做一些購物購物天堂。
What's more, I can do some shopping in the shopping paradise.
6. 杭州已成為購物天堂.
Hangzhou has become a paradise for shopping.
7. 位於市中心的聯合廣場,是舊金山的購物天堂。
Union Square, in the heart of downtown, is San Francisco's finest shopping region.
8. 心雨欣飾品坐落於有著 “小商品海洋,購物者天堂”之美譽的義烏,創立於2001年,原名鋒達飾品。
Xinyuxin Jewelry is located in the heart has a \commodity ocean, shoppers paradise\ reputation of Yiwu, founded in 2001, formerly known as glitter ornaments.
9. 零售商瘋狂的開店已經把中國變成了購物天堂,但店主們所面臨的競爭卻日益殘酷,因為他們明白只有強者才能生存。
The scramble to open stores has made China a paradise for shoppers , but for shopkeepers it has become a brutally competitive market in which only the strong will survive.
10. 很多中國年輕人現在非常痴迷奢侈品,法國對於他們來說是一個購物天堂,法國的大多數年輕人對於奢侈品是什麼態度?
Many young Chinese people do love luxury, and France for them is a shopping paradise. What is the attitude of the young people in France about luxury?
購物天堂是對香港的雅稱。香港素來被中外遊客稱作“購物天堂”,香港店鋪售賣著世界各地不同特色的貨品,由國際頂級品牌至地方特色小商品。 因為香港特別行政區政府採取低稅率政策,在香港出售的大部分商品都不徵稅,所以在香港購物,貨品價錢相應較低,普遍低於其他國家地區,因此吸引中外旅客前往來香港購物及旅遊。
paradise for shopping