固態硬碟的英文 固態硬碟用英語怎麼說?
solid state disc(SSD)
solid-state drive/disk (SSD); electronic disk
常用 重點詞彙
1. 所以有人提出了固態硬碟的概念。
For this reason, the Solid State Disk (SSD) was invented.
2. 固態硬碟的優點和工作原理是什麼。
Okay, what are the advantages of SSDs and how do they work.
3. 固態硬碟就像緊湊型快閃記憶體或SD 卡。
SSDs is like using compact flash or SD cards.
4. 為了解決這一問題,固態硬碟應運而生.
Notebook PCs tend to be dropped.
5. 固態硬碟也有額外的缺陷。
Solid-state drives also have an additional weakness.
6. 在案件固態硬碟,容量為一些保留格式和冗餘磨損平衡。
In the case of SSDs, some of the capacity is reserved for formatting and redundancy for wear leveling.
7. 最後,固態硬碟是最新也是最快捷的長期儲存器,比如快閃記憶體儲存器。
Finally, the newest and fastest types of long-term storage are solid-state drives, like flash sticks.
8. 這個錄影是我在東芝的一個同事發給我們的,是製造固態硬碟的工廠。
This is a video that a colleague of mine from Toshiba shared with me that shows the factory that manufactures solid state drives.
9. 在不斷重複存檔到浮柵中的過程中,電晶體會腐蝕固態硬碟,使之毫無用處。
Repeatedly writing to floating gate transistors corrodes them, eventually rendering them useless.
10. 正如我所說我也有愛國者經固態硬碟安裝了一段時間為好,但它更慢於OCZ的敏捷 。
As I mentioned I also had the Patriot Warp SSD installed for a time as well, but it's much slower than the OCZ Agility .
固態硬碟(Solid State Disk),別名固態驅動器,簡稱“SSD”,是一種主要以快閃記憶體作為永久性儲存器的計算機儲存裝置,於1956由IBM公司釋出。 固態硬碟由控制單元和儲存單元組成,被廣泛應用於工控、影片監控、網路監控、網路終端、導航裝置等諸多領域。相對於機械硬碟,固態硬碟有著較高的讀寫速度,成本也相對較高。常見的固態硬碟採用SATA-III介面、PCIe x8或者mSATA、M.2、ZIF、IDE、U.2、CF、CFast等介面。
solid state disc(SSD); solid-state drive/disk (SSD); electronic disk