取得成就的英文 取得成就用英語怎麼說?
make achievements; achieve successes
常用 重點詞彙
1. 你應當試著在其他領域也取得成就。
You must try to achieve cultures in other areas.
2. 歷史上取得成就的殘疾人不勝列舉.
History is full of other examples of successful people with disabilities.
3. 發現他們在其它領域取得成就也很難。
Find it difficult to succeed in other fields.
4. 第一,取得成就的時候,不要忘記前人。
First, every time you celebrate an achievement,be thankful to those who made it possible.
5. 但我們是可以取得成就的。
But we can make progress.
6. 這些古稀老人因為在生活的不同領域取得成就而受到尊敬.
The Living Treasures are honoured for their achievements in many different areas of life.
7. 她的學校從來沒有象現在這樣出名,這樣有取得成就的把握。
Never had her school been more popular, more assured of success.
8. 你們能取得成就,達到人生中這個重要的轉折點,我希望你們能引以為豪。
I hope you are proud of the good things you've done to prepare for the big changes that will soon occur in your lives.
9. 在人生道路中,你會面臨很多挑戰,經歷起起落落,取得成就,同時也會犯錯。
You will face a lot of challenges, experience ups and downs, gain achievements and make mistakes during the course of your life.
10. 公司在包裝材料 、 打包材料以及(車輛上和蓋貨物的)帆布棚領域內取得成就.
Packing materials, Tarpaulin and Packing materials belong to our portfolio . For more information please call us.
make achievements; achieve successes