保鮮膜的英文 保鮮膜用英語怎麼說?
cling film n.食品保鮮膜
plastic wrap n.食品保鮮膜
1. 瓶口用保鮮膜蓋住,室溫擱置3天.
Cover loosely with plastic wrap and let stand at room temperature for 3 days.
2. 這些用保鮮膜包著的菜是精菜.
The vegetables wrapped in preservative film are refined vegetables.
3. 現在,我們把保鮮膜
Okay now we need to put cling film onto our sushi mat.
4. 嗯,有些食物,我用保鮮膜包起來。
Well, some of the food, I put in a plastic wrap.
5. 喬伊斯 謝了。我還需要一個保鮮膜。
JOYCE Thanks. I need the plastic wrap too.
6. 上次我在這裡看到的保鮮膜.
The Handi wrap I saw here last time.
7. 放了保鮮膜
It just makes it a lot easier to handle, right.
8. 倒在一個隔熱碗裡,然後蓋上保鮮膜。
Get it into a heatproof bowl, and then what you want to do, is just cover it with some cling film.
9. 菲比:你應該把剩菜用保鮮膜包起來。
Phoebe: You should wrap the leftovers in cling film.
10. 用保鮮膜包好,放冰箱至少冷藏2小時.
Wrap plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
保鮮膜,是一種塑膠薄膜,作為廚房用品,保鮮膜可阻隔水分,防止空氣與食物直接接觸,主要用於廚房煮食、盛載食物、儲存食物,或用來製作一些可以簡單清潔的物料。 保鮮膜以其方便、經濟、美觀的特點受到了人們的青睞。許多保鮮膜原料為PVC,必須新增大量的DEHP等塑化劑,在中高溫或油脂環境中會滲出DEHP;而相關學者指出,PVC是最需要被淘汰的塑膠,而DEHP是環境荷爾蒙,含量必須限制。 保鮮膜不能進微波爐。