修路的英文 修路用英語怎麼說?
mend a road; repair the roads; road repairing
1. 在公眾問詢之後,修路的計劃被放棄了。
Plans for the road were ditched following a public inquiry.
2. 我要修路!英格蘭的路況太糟了.
I would change the roads because they are very bad in England.
3. 修路工程使當地居民叫苦連天.
The road - works caused much complaint among local neighbours.
4. 他跑到修路的地方去玩,把身上弄髒了。
He played where they were mending the street and got very dirty.
5. 你為家鄉修路的大德,鄉親們不會忘記的.
The country folks will never forget your great kindness for your endowment in the road construction.
6. 昨天修路停水兩小時.
The water was cut for two hours yeaterday while the road was being repaired.
7. 正在修路的那些人。
The men who are repairing the road.
8. 工人們正在修路.
The workmen are mending the road.
9. 我和朋友說話,而某人在我們身後正用手提鑽在修路。
I talk to my friend and someone repairing the road behind us starts up a jackhammer .
10. 在雞蛋上修路
Repairing roads on an egg