收費站的英文 收費站用英語怎麼說?
tollgate n.徵收通行稅的關卡;關門
tollbooth n.收費亭;收費處;市政廳;監獄
1. 一些收費站的交通是預期的8倍。
Traffic at some toll stations was 8 times higher than expected.
2. 優雅的情況下,作為一個收費站雙打。
Elegant case that doubles as a charging station .
3. 可大大緩解收費站進出口擁堵的情況.
The import and export can be significantly mitigate congestion toll - gate.
4. 其中一幅地塊位於機場收費站東南側。
A plot of land located at the southeast point of airport charges.
5. 安亭出口。就在進入江蘇省收費站之前。
Exit Anting. It is right before tollgate entering Jiangsu Province.
6. 他們在機場收費站爭吵了20分鐘左右。
In airport charges at over 20 minutes or so.
7. 目的探討道路收費站
Objective In order to explore the status of environmental contamination in traffic toll gate.
8. 這個收費站前經常這樣。
It is much often like this before the Toll Gate.
9. 再看看我們當地的收費站。只有一個路標。
Compare that to my local toll plaza. Just a sign with some gizmo attached to it.
10. 這裡安了個收費站.
A toll booth has been set up here.
公路收費站是收費公路為徵收道路通行費而設立,道路使用者在收費站繳費,普遍在特大橋、國道和高速公路上可見。 2019年5月,為落實黨中央、國務院深化收費公路改革部署,將《政府工作報告》提出的兩年內基本取消全國高速公路省界收費站的任務提前至力爭2019年底實現,減輕消費者負擔和企業成本、擴大有效需求。