頒佈法律的英文 頒佈法律用英語怎麼說?
promulgate a law
常用 重點詞彙
1. 立法者制定或頒佈法律的人;
One who makes or enacts laws; a legislator.
2. 政府頒佈法律禁止在電視上做香菸廣告.
The government introduced a law prohibiting tobacco advertisements on TV.
3. 政府承諾頒佈法律,並在年底前將同性婚姻合法化。
The government has promised to enact legislation, enabling same-sex marriage by the end of the year.
4. 政府應該頒佈法律去提高駕駛年齡和駕駛考試的標準。
Government should draft laws to raise the driving age and standards of driving test.
5. 國王頒佈法律,意味著正式宣佈法律生效及相關執法程式。
The King promulgates the law, meaning that he formally publishes the law and orders that it be executed.
6. 珍·古道爾研究院一直在致力於促進頒佈法律
The Jane Goodall Institute is fighting very hard for legislation that will prohibit people from owning other primates as pets.
7. 中國立法機構將首次頒佈法律允許科研工作者在創新過程中報告研究失敗而不影響其將來科研經費的發放。
Chinese lawmakers are legislating for the first time to allow scientists to report failures during the process of innovation without blotting their records in future funding applications.
promulgate a law