落地窗的英文 落地窗用英語怎麼說?
French window n.落地窗
1. 落地窗子
French window; floor-to-ceiling window
1. 大落地窗給室內帶來了耀眼的陽光和通透度。
Large floor-to-ceiling windows create dazzling displays of sunlight and transparency inside the house.
2. 華頓市長穿過辦公室,來到大落地窗前,盯著波光粼粼的密西西比河。
Mayor Wharton walks across his office to a picture window and stares at a shimmering Mississippi River .
3. 回過頭來,我又一次看見了莎拉那熟悉的身影。只見她驕傲地站立在那扇巨大的落地窗前,微笑著。
Turning, I once again saw the familiar figure of Sarah Albright, standing tall and proud near the large picture window.
4. 三個男人懶散地站在靠海那面的落地窗前一邊聊一邊看著窗外,他們手中的紅葡萄酒反射著夜晚街道的光。
Three men loitered by the bay window, talking to one another while staring out at the street, their glasses of red wine luminous in the reflected evening light.
5. 這座大樓計劃於2008年完工,它不僅有整面的落地窗,而且越向上越窄,以便一年四季能儘量多地得到日光。
The building, scheduled for completion in 2008, not only has floor-to-ceiling windows but is also tapered towards the top so as to maximise available daylight through all four seasons.
6. 這棟房子有1100平方英尺,還有一個閣樓、一臺電扇,沒空調(阿肯色州很炎熱),還有一個帶落地窗的門廊。
It had 1,100 square feet, an attic, fan and no air conditioner in hot Arkansas, and a screened-in porch.
7. 我們第一次開會的地點和電影裡的辦公場景相差無幾:會議室內的辦公傢俱精美,透過落地窗還能一覽曼哈頓的美景。
Our first meeting was held in the kind of corporate office featured in movies, complete with a sprawling view of Manhattan.
8. “你可能會覺得奇怪,為什麼在十月的午後,我們還把那扇窗戶大開著。”那位侄女說。她指著一扇巨大的法式落地窗,窗子外面是一個草坪。
\You may wonder why we keep that window wide open on an October afternoon, \ said the niece, indicating a large French window that opened on to a lawn.
落地窗(french window)是直接固定在地板面上的窗戶,良好的落地窗佈局使客廳或者臥室採光增加,同時站在落地窗前可以全景觀看外面。