大聲呼喊的英文 大聲呼喊用英語怎麼說?
raise a cry
常用 重點詞彙
1. 儘管他大聲呼喊,卻沒人來幫助他。
Despite his loud cries no one came to his assistance/help/rescue.
2. 他們全力大聲呼喊。
They shouted as loud as they could.
3. 人群大聲呼喊表示贊成
The crowd roared its approval
4. 讓全人類為我們呼喊,大聲呼喊!
Let the whole mankind shout for us , shout aloud
5. 我必須大聲呼喊!我必須付出代價!
I must cty out! I must pay the price!
6. 風在大聲呼喊你的名字,以令你堅強
Wind is calling out your name, it is giving you the strength
7. 我要大聲呼喊,震天動地
I gotta say it out loud
8. 他大聲呼喊以引人注意。
He shouted to attract attention.
9. 畢竟如果我們身處叢林,大聲呼喊是否明智?
After all, if you're in the jungle, is it wise to call out?
10. 青黃不接的滋味被我們在村頭大聲呼喊出來,日子的重量似乎輕盈了許多。
Taste gap we cry out in the village, the weight of days it seems that a lot of light.
raise a cry