居委會的英文 居委會用英語怎麼說?
residents'committee; neighbourhood committee
常用 權威
1. 街道居委會
neighbourhood residents'committee
1. 注:居委會個數包含社群居委會數。
Note:The number of neighborhood committees includes that of community neighborhood committees.
2. 居委會的陳大媽經常為大家排憂解紛.
Aunt Chen from the neighborhood committees often helps to resolve disputes among the dwellers.
3. 新的男童在居委會不能改變它在開始的。
The new boy in the neighborhood can't change it in the beginning.
4. 每個村(居委會)隨機抽取8份居民戶鹽樣。
In each village, 8 households were selected for salt collection.
5. 但如果我米去參加一個-它必須是在我的居委會。
But if Im going to join one - it has to be in my neighborhood.
6. 梅糖居委會辦公及傳真電話: 84971228.
Sugar neighborhood committee office telephone and fax: 84971228.
7. 我們,嘉興社群彩虹居委會,授予你夏令營優秀教師的稱號。
We, the Rainbow neighborhood committee of Jiaxing community, award you the title of the Excellent Teacher of the Camp.
8. 王強認定,洩露資訊的就是自家所在的箇舊市機廠社群居委會。
Wang Qiang found that the disclosure of information that is the home of the old city where the factory neighborhood communities.
9. 居委會不光負責解決老年人的生活起居的問題,還想辦法豐富他們的生活。
And the neighbourhood committee not only solves problems in elder residents daily life, but also helps them live a colourful life.
10. 社群居委會及其書記請求法院駁回王強夫婦的訴訟請求,同時不同意調解。
Community and the secretary of the neighborhood ask the court to dismiss the claim and his wife Wang Qiang, at the same time do not agree to mediation.
社群居民委員會是中國內地地區城市街道、行政建制鎮的分割槽即“社群”的居民組織,即城鎮居民的自治組織,地位類似於農業區的村民委員會。 社群居民委員會是居民自我管理、自我教育、自我服務的基層群眾性自治組織,工作服務的物件以城市、鎮非農業居民為主。
名詞 residents'committee; neighbourhood committee