三口之家的英文 三口之家用英語怎麼說?
a family of three
family of three
1. 這個平房現在作為三口之家的小屋。
The bungalow now functions as a compact home for a family of three.
2. 不是所有的人都會組成三口之家生活.
People do not all live in nuclear family groups.
3. 有一個三口之家就住在我們這條街上。
There was this family of three who lived down the street.
4. 《三口之家》在過去的三年裡位列之首。
And Tango Makes Three has topped that list for the last three years.
5. 一些熱情的人們幫我們這個小小三口之家拍照.
Some other people were so friendly to take a few pictures of our small family.
6. 精彩開頭我的一家我生活在一個和睦的三口之家——爸爸、媽媽和我 。
My Family I have a happy family. There are my father, my mother, my brother and I.
7. 我與你媽媽也不會忘記在你成長的每一天給我們三口之家所帶來從未有的快樂與歡笑!
I and your mother cannot forget grows every one day in you the three-person family to bring for us never has joyfully with laughs heartily!
8. 這些病例包括來自蒙多扎省的一對夫妻,有來自瑞內的一位醫生,還有家住科多巴省近來曾去過墨西哥的一個三口之家。
Among the afflicted were a couple from Mendoza province, a doctor from Rio Negro and a three-member family from Cordoba province that had recently visited Mexico.
《三口之家》(3人家族)是由竹脅無我、慄原小卷、青井輝彥等主演,木下惠介、川頭義郎執導,山田太一、四方基擔任編劇的喜劇愛情電視劇,於1968年10月15日在日本首播。 該劇講述了兩個三口之家因為緣份把三對相戀人兒緊緊的纏繞在一起的愛情故事。