深入人心的英文 深入人心用英語怎麼說?
strike/take root in the hearts of the people; be deeply implanted in the hearts of the people; strike a deep chord in the hearts of the people
常用 重點詞彙
1. 以自我超越的核心理念深入人心。
Beyond the core concept of self-popular.
2. 眾所周知桶裝水已深入人心。
As well known barrels water has truck root in people's heart.
3. 他的影響力深入人心,特別是他的演講。
He influences many people, especially his speaking.
4. 到19世紀後半葉,消費主義已深入人心.
By the second half of the 19 th century consumerism had taken root.
5. 伴隨這種頑固自豪的是深入人心的受害者心態.
Mixed with its stiff - necked pride is a pervasive victim mentality.
6. 充分高度評價深入人心的孝道現象是很有必要的。
It is essential to appreciate fully the pervasive presence of filiality .
7. 到本世紀中期, 渴望金髮的說法愈發深入人心.
By midcentury, the myth was entrenched.
8. 加利品牌深入人心, 知名度與美譽度並駕齊驅.
Ghali popular brand, name recognition and reputation go hand in hand.
9. 那個側影,戴著獵鹿帽的形象和故事一樣深入人心。
That silhouette, and the image of the deerstalker. It's as iconic as any of the stories, really.
10. 泰勒:我同意。由於他的寫作風格,他的故事很深入人心。
Taylor: I agree. His story stays in one's mind because of his writing style.
深入人心(shēn rù rén xīn),漢語成語,釋義是深深地進入到人們的心裡。指思想、理論、學說、主張等為人們所理解和接受。例句:黨的改革開放政策深入人心,我國人民十分擁護。 出自明代馮夢龍的《東周列國志》第二十回:“且君新得諸侯,非有存亡興滅之德,深入人心,恐諸侯之兵,不為我用。” 深入人心的近義詞為家喻戶曉。反義詞為不得人心。
strike/take root in the hearts of the people; be deeply implanted in the hearts of the people; strike a deep chord in the hearts of the people