迎難而上的英文 迎難而上用英語怎麼說?
grasp the nettle 果斷地處理棘手問題
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 這個隊迎難而上並最終勝出。
The team defied the odds and emerged victorious.
2. 堅持不懈、迎難而上,拿出熱情克服學習中的障礙。
You should have grit; you should have perseverance; you should take agency over your learning.
3. 如果想做成一件事, 那就擼起袖子準備迎難而上吧.
If you want to get something done, just roll up your sleeves and do it.
4. 繼續做某事,強調決心,迎難而上,表示動作的反覆。如:
Keep on doing sth. : continue doing sth. do sth. frequently or repeatedly.
5. 在美國,當我們面臨挑戰,我們要迎難而上,而不是畏首畏腳。
America, when we have a challenge,we take it head on, we don't shrink away from it.
6. 迎難而上:如果你面臨非常苦難的任務,只能咬緊牙關去做,別推遲。
Face the Tough Stuff Head on. If there is something difficult that you must do, just bite the bullet and do it.
7. 我再也不乖乖地等著老闆來給我加工資了。我該得到更高的報酬,我要迎難而上;
I'm not waiting any longer for the boss to give me the raise I deserve.
8. 我們現在所處的時代,創業是一件非常有吸引力和時尚的事,但是人們受到的僅僅是這種想法的吸引,而並非是在理解了成為一個創始人需要面臨如何殘酷的現實壓力之後仍願意迎難而上。
We're at a time where it's very fashionable and attractive to start a company, but it's the concept that people are drawn to rather than the tough reality of what being a founder is actually like.
9. 當你在一個句子中陷入苦境時,最好重新開始;不要迎難而上,在可能性極低的句法上費神。通常情況下,錯誤之處在於從某種程度上來說,句子結構已經變得甚是複雜;要把這樣的句子拆開,用兩三個短句。
Usually what is wrong is that the construction has become too involved at some point; the sentence needs to be broken apart and replaced by two or more shorter sentences.
迎難而上,漢語成語,是指就算遇到困難也不退縮,迎著困難去克服它。例句有“面對理想,我們要鼓足幹勁,迎難而上,絕不能望梅止渴。” 近義詞有逆水行舟、拾級而上、百折不回等。反義詞有望而卻步、知難而退、望而止步。
null詞 brave difficulties; grasp the nettle
brave difficulties; grasp the nettle