除此以外的英文 除此以外用英語怎麼說?
beside prep.在…旁邊;在… 附近;緊靠;除…以外;與…相比
in addition to 除了...之外
常用 重點詞彙
1. 我只是告訴他我需要錢;但除此以外,我什麼也沒有說
I didn't tell him anything, except that I needed the money
2. 除此以外我的身體只是一個附件。
The rest of me is a mere appendix.
3. 但除此以外,卻鮮有更好的選擇。
But there are few other good options.
4. 除此以外, 那個人渣還是我父親.
To top it off, that filthy scum is my father.
5. 除此以外她也是山窮水盡了.
Otherwise she was at the end of the road.
6. 除此以外,還要買些泡菜。
Last but not least, get some pickles.
7. 但是除此以外就沒有什麼東西可看的了。
But other than that there was not much to see.
8. 除此以外其他照片要求兒童也必須符合。
All other photograph standards must be met.
9. 除此以外,我啥也不知道。
I know nothing beyound it.
10. 除此以外,“金獅”牌在國際市場屬名牌。
On the top of that, Jingshi Brand is well-known in the international market.
beside; in addition to