鍛練的英文 鍛練用英語怎麼說?
schools n.學校;學派;學院;(school的複數)
1. 今天下午我們去體育館進行體育鍛練.
This afternoon we go to the gym for a workout.
2. 我告訴英國人這是體育鍛練,他就跳了。
I told the Englishman it was the sporting thing to do, and he jumped.
3. morning.他每天早上鍛練身體.
He does exercises every day in the.
4. 你們無論如何不應忽視每天的體育鍛練.
You should not on any terms neglect your daily physical exercise.
5. 體育鍛練,練習,訓練,訓練,體育鍛練。
Exercise, exercising, physical exercise, physical exertion, practice, training, workout.
6. 謝謝,這是鍛練的結果.
B:Thank you. That's the result of exercise.
7. 我們隔天進行體育鍛練.
We are have physical training every other day.
8. 一般的學校不可能提供很多實際的生活鍛練.
The ordinary school cannot give much practical training in living.
9. 烏拉圭隊鍛練塔瓦雷斯對裁判判罰的紅牌未予置評.
Uruguay coach Oscar Tabarez did not comment on the red card.
10. 大大的球形把手鍛練了她抓握的能力,現在她可以很好的掌握拼圖。
The large knobs allow her use her gripping skills and she has mastered all of the puzzles very well!
鍛練,讀音為duàn liàn,漢語詞語,指的是冶煉鍛造,也比喻錘鍊文辭,又指精練。例句有“爺爺通常五點鐘起床,到公園鍛鍊身體”。“ 以鍛鍊為本,學會健康”。 該詞語出現在魯迅《鑄劍》:“便將鐵捧回家裡來,日日夜夜地鍛鍊,費了整三年的精神,煉成兩把劍”。它的近義詞有錘鍊、歷練等,反義詞有鈍化。