失聯的英文 失聯用英語怎麼說?
go missing 失蹤
disappear v.消失;看不見;不再存在;不再使用;丟失;無法找到;失蹤;被殺害
常用 權威
1. 失聯遊客
missing tourist
1. 2014年3月8日,載有239人的馬來西亞航空MH370航班從吉隆坡出發飛往北京,但在起飛不久後便與航空公司失聯。
On March 8, Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, with 239 people aboard, lost contact with the airline shortly into the flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.
2. 他們概述了三個不太可能但可能的場景來解釋探測器的失聯。
They've outline three unlikely but possible scenarios to explain the rover's silence.
3. 阿根廷海軍稱目前正在分析通訊訊號,很有可能來自失聯潛艇。
Argentina's Navy says it is now analyzing sounds that could have come from a missing submarine.
4. 今年三月,她的妻子曾因調班而未登上失聯
His wife had swapped out of flight MH370 which has been missing since March.
5. MS804從巴黎飛往開羅,機上共載66人,客機是在進入埃及領空10英里後失聯,失聯高度近3.7萬英尺。
The flight going from Paris to Cairo carrying 66 people was about 10 miles into Egyptian airspace at an altitude of nearly 37,000 feet when it vanished.
白舉綱第二張原創專輯《野草》中的歌曲,於2016年9月23上線發行,作詞作曲:白舉綱,編曲:白舉綱,安小楠 演唱:白舉綱
動詞 go missing; disappear; lose contact with
1. 2014年3月8日,載有239人的馬來西亞航空MH370航班從吉隆坡出發飛往北京,但在起飛不久後便與航空公司失聯。
On March 8, Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, with 239 people aboard, lost contact with the airline shortly into the flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.
2. 失聯遊客
missing tourist
3. 失聯航班/飛機
missing flight/plane
4. 與…失聯
(of a plane or flight) lose contact with the air traffic control; lose communication with the air traffic control; (of air traffic control) lose contact with a plane or flight