破釜沉舟的英文 破釜沉舟用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2024-12-26



break the cauldrons and sink the boats (after crossing)—cut off all means of retreat to show one's determination to press ahead; burn one's bridges/boats; cross the Rubicon

常用 權威 重點詞彙



1. 〈非正式〉不顧一切地,破釜沉舟地。

Noun.] With all guns blazing informal with great determination and energy, especially without thought for the consequences.

2. 是的, 我只得破釜沉舟了.

Yes, I just had to burn my boats behind me.

3. 好吧,約翰,破釜沉舟的時刻到達,上吧!

Well John, it's do or die. Let's go!

4. 安迪聰明熱情,且隨時準備破釜沉舟幹到底。

Andy is intelligent, energetic and is ready to burn his boat.

5. 他們的參戰使他們破釜沉舟永遠棄絕孤立主義.

Their entry into the war made them cross the Rubicon and abandon isolationism forever.

6. 英文不好的學生只好破釜沉舟,硬著頭皮把英文搞好.

Students have no choice But to mug up on it if they want to progress further.

7. 現在,他決定再次放手PKK,破釜沉舟,來個背水一戰.

Now he has decided to take a bloody gamble by unleashing the PKK once again.

8. 只有大膽地、破釜沉舟地跟他們拼,或許還有翻身的那一天。

Only fight in hopeless and boldly, maybe have a day of be keel over.

9. 後來,我們使用“破釜沉舟”比喻:下定決心,不達目的絕不罷休的精神。

This idiom is used to reveal one's strong determination to achieve one's goal at any cost.

10. 在腳踏車慢行競賽中, 他們騎著車,搖搖晃晃地在跑道上行著,臉上都帶著一副相同的破釜沉舟的神情.

In the slow - bicycle race, they wobbled along the track with identical do - or - die looks on their faces.



破釜沉舟,漢語成語。釜是指鍋;舟是指船;比喻下定決心不顧一切地進行到底或戰鬥到底。例句有“現在已破釜沉舟,沒有別的選擇,只能幹到底了。” 該成語出自《史記·項羽本紀》“項羽乃悉引兵渡河,皆沉船,破釜甑,燒廬舍,持三日糧,以示士卒必死,無一還心。”一般作謂語、賓語、狀語使用。 相關句子有“震撼精神,致心皈命,破釜沉舟,以圖自保於萬一。”出自梁啟超的《南學會敘》。相關近義詞有義無反顧、決一死戰等;反義詞有猶豫不決、優柔寡斷等。


《大漢風》是由胡軍、肖榮生、楊恭如等主演,衛翰韜、林潮翔執導,劉嵐、周長賦擔任編劇的歷史古裝劇,於2006年03月22日在CCTV-6播出,2007年在日本播出電視劇版。 該劇以楚漢這段歷史為背景,主要講述了劉邦(肖榮生 飾)和項羽(胡軍 飾)從聯手抗秦到分庭抗禮直至最後劉邦戰勝項羽建立大漢王朝的故事。



null詞 break the cauldrons and sink the boats (after crossing)—cut off all means of retreat to show one's determination to press ahead; burn one's bridges/boats; cross the Rubicon



break the cauldrons and sink the boats (after crossing)—cut off all means of retreat to show one's determination to press ahead; burn one's bridges/boats; cross the Rubicon
