相匹配的英文 相匹配用英語怎麼說?
phase match
常用 重點詞彙
1. 紅綠燈與鐵路上使用的訊號相匹配。
Red and green lights match the signals used on the railways.
2. 候選人將根據技能集與任務相匹配。
Candidates will be matched with a task based on skill set.
3. 請將主題與描述相匹配。
Please match the topic with the description.
4. 當有人犯罪時,我們總是希望懲罰與罪行相匹配。
When someone commits a criminal act, we always hope the punishment will match the offense.
5. 使我們的投資水平與我們歐洲鄰邦的相匹配。
Matching our investment levels with those of our European neighbors.
6. 將這些單詞與上面的圖片相匹配。
Match these words with the pictures above.
7. 與之相匹配的是什麼,我的直覺?
And matched against that is what, my gut level feeling?
8. 我們所見到的規律都與之相匹配。
And the motion we see match with that .
9. 為了側重於更好的相匹配的工作。
To focus on better job matches.
10. 裝置型別相匹配的部分指令出現英寸
Device of the type whose section the match directive appears in.
phase match