佔比例的英文 佔比例用英語怎麼說?
account for 作出滿意說明;提供;構成;解釋, 說明;佔...(數量/比例)
常用 重點詞彙
1. 黑人女性在所有女性教師中所佔比例不到2%。
Black women make up less than 2 % of all female academic staff.
2. 非裔美國人所佔比例則略多與四分之一,
A little over one-fourth are African-American.
3. 這兩份論文在成績中所佔比例相同,各為50%.
These two papers are weighted equally and will contribute 50 % of the grade.
4. 此六種在用藥中所佔比例(累計頻率)達81.63%。
These six kinds of medicine make up 81. 63% of the total medicine used.
5. 我國殘疾人絕對知識貧困人口在各類弱勢群體中所佔比例最高。
The rate of the population of the disabled who have absolutely poor knowledge in all kinds of the disadvantaged in our country is the highest.
6. 養貓和養狗的家庭在全國家庭總數中所佔比例分別為26%和31%。
Overall, it estimated that 26% of UK households owned cats and 31% owned dogs.
7. 其中,又以俄蘇文學成為其譯介的首選,在外國文學的譯介中所佔比例最重。
Russian literature was the first choice of its translation and introduction, taking a high proportion among these foreign literature.
8. 受體細胞進行性地替換CVH細胞,使供體細胞在CVH組織中所佔比例逐漸減少;
Host cells continuously replace donor cells to lessen the ratio of the donor cells in the CVH tissues;
9. 與此同時,奈及利亞婦女在立法機構中所佔比例不到6%,從未有女性擔任過州長。
Meanwhile women in Nigeria make up less than 6% of the legislature and no woman has ever served as a state governor.
10. 流量獲取成本在百度營收中所佔比例的下滑,主要由於百度聯盟成員流量的質量改善。
The decrease in TAC as a percentage of total revenues is primarily due to the quality improvement of Baidu Union traffic.
account for