機械錶的英文 機械錶用英語怎麼說?
stem-winder n.令人愉快和振奮的演講;發條表
1. 您要哪一種,石英錶還是機械錶?。
Which kind do you prefer, quartz or mechanical?
2. 這種裝置在機械錶製造工業中是很需要的.
This kind of device is much needed in the mechanical watch - making industry.
3. 精工5號是機械錶。
Seiko 5 is a mechanical watch.
4. 顧客:我就買一塊石英錶,代替我的老機械錶吧。
Customer:I'll take a quartz watch to replace my old mechanical one.
5. 首先,你需要一個正常工作的機械錶,天氣必須是晴天。
First, you'll need a non-digital watch in working condition and a sunny day.
6. 傳統機械錶時,若手錶有售後服務,應確定質保期不少於六個月。
When buying a vintage watch, ensure that there is a guarantee of at least six months if the watch is being sold as serviced.
7. 可直接固定牆上或安裝在電線杆上,任何規格的機械錶、電子錶。
It can be fixed on the wall or mounted on the pole. It is suitable for all kinds of mechanical meter and electric meter.
8. 店:一塊高質量的機械錶可以用許多年, 可是您得每天上發條.
A high - quality mechanical watch will last longer, but you have to wind it up every day.
機械錶(mechanical watch )通常可分為下列兩種:手動上鍊及自動上鍊手錶(AUTOMATIC)兩種。這兩款機械的動力來源皆是靠機芯內的發條為動力,帶動齒輪進而推動錶針,只是動力來源的方式有異。手動上鍊的機械錶是依靠手動擰動發條作動力,機芯的厚度較一般自動上發條的表薄一些,相對來說手錶的重量就輕。而自動上鍊的手錶,是利用機芯的自動旋轉盤左右擺動產生動力來驅動發條的,但相對來講手動上鍊手錶的厚度要比自動上鍊的小一些。