進貨的英文 進貨用英語怎麼說?
purchase merchandise 購買商品
常用 權威
1. 進貨員
purchasing agent; buyer
2. 進貨價格
prime cost
3. 進貨折讓
purchase discounts and allowances
4. 進貨渠道
channel to replenish one's goods
1. 百貨公司進貨採取批發方式。
Department stores buy merchandise by the gross.
2. 優先選擇無石灰窯的採石場進貨;
Stone pit without lime kiln may be first choice for placing order.
3. 請提供所有有關進貨證明覆印件。
Please provide copies of all relevant import certifications.
4. 客戶開始進貨和組裝線再次執行。
Customers are beginning to restock and assembly lines are running again.
5. 指導進貨檢驗員及SQE工作.
As a mentor of IQC inspectors and SQE.
6. 司機罷工使我們進貨受阻了一個月.
The strike of drivers has put our deliveries behind by one month.
7. 使用者很可能不願意改變其進貨貨源.
The user is most likely not willing to chaine their source of supply.
8. 商品賣出後供貨商就會再進貨.
When the item sells the suppliers can restock it.
9. 實現進貨單和銷售單的新增和檢視。
Jinhuochan and achieve sales and the addition of single-View.
10. 確保進貨檢驗記錄的及時性和準確性.
Ensure veracity and timely for record.
動詞 stock (a shop) with goods; lay in a stock of merchandise; replenish one's stock; purchase merchandise
1. 進貨折讓
purchase discounts and allowances
2. 進貨員
purchasing agent; buyer
3. 進貨價格
prime cost
4. 進貨渠道
channel to replenish one's goods
5. 進貨成本
purchase cost; cost of goods purchased
動詞 (of investors) buy stocks; buy in futures