茶包的英文 茶包用英語怎麼說?
tea ball n.濾茶球
1. 你知道的,回到茶包,魚和薯條上。
You know, back to teabags and fish and chips.
2. 一來,茶包是人工合成的。
The tea bag is a little artificial and synthetic.
3. 除了放紙巾,也可以放一些茶包,希望你鐘意!
Also, it can put the tea-bag inside the box. Trust you like it all!
4. 一分鐘後去掉茶包。
Steep for one minute, then remove the bags.
5. 高階茶業從每磅700美元到8美元(12茶包)不等。
The prices of these high quality teas can range from $700 a pound to $8 dollars for 12 tea bags.
6. 多年來,茶包主要是用紙做成的,但最近一些公司在使用塑膠網袋。
For many years, teabags have been made mostly out of paper, but recently some companies have been using plastic meshes instead.
7. 如果你最喜歡的茶飲品牌在使用塑膠茶包,那麼你可能會喝一肚子微塑膠。
If your favourite brand of tea is using plastic teabags, you are probably getting a gutful of microplastics.
8. 它提醒你一天下來一定要放鬆一下,還有去回顧一下今天受你祝福的人或事。茶包。
TEA BAG To remind you to relax daily and go over that list of blessings.
9. 目前,我們估計人們每年要喝掉74000個塑膠微粒。根據這項研究,用一袋塑膠茶包泡茶,其微塑膠含量幾乎是它的20萬倍。
Currently, we're estimated to consume over 74,000 particles of microplastics a year. According to this research, there's nearly 200,000 times that amount in a single cup of plastic teabag tea.
10. 我們獨特的金字塔茶包在世界許多有名的賓館、酒店等休閒場所的亮相,代表著帝芙特茶葉已經成為了奢侈品中的獨特的茶葉品牌。
Served in the finest resorts, hotels, and restaurants worldwide, our teas and unique infuses have become known as the leading name in luxurious teas.