1、The Flash
3、Flush Man
(The Flash)是DC漫畫公司旗下的超級英雄,正義聯盟成員之一,1940年1月於《閃電俠》創刊號上首次登場。在dc漫畫史中曾有場位角色曾使用過閃電俠這一稱號 一般被人熟知的閃電俠是在1956年10月《陳列櫥 #4》中登場的巴里·艾倫 他曾帶動了整個北美漫畫的白銀時代。
閃電俠,其實這是奧尼爾在04年給wade起的一個綽號,當時他稱wade為“flash”,電視臺就一直翻譯成 閃電俠...
閃電俠英文介紹 5分
my name is Barry Allen and i am the fastest man alive
when i was a child ,i saw my mother killed by something impossible
Run,Barry run!
My father went to prison for her murder
Then an accident made me the impossible
To the outside world,I'm an ordinary forensic scientist
but secretly i use my speed to fight crime and find others like me
And one day,I'll find who killed me mother and get justice for me father
i'm the Flash!
My name is Barry Allen and i am the fastest man alive.
When i was a child,i saw my mother killed by something impossible.
My father went to prison for her murder.
Then an accident made me the impossible.
To the outside world,i am an ordinary forensic scientist,
but secretly i use my speed to fight crime and find others like me.
And one day,i will find who killed my mother and get justice for my father.
I am The Flash.
閃電俠英文是lightning man還是flash man..?不要網路翻譯...
應該是flash man!
閃電俠的英文 Flash Gordon. 請採納謝謝