檔案管理的英文 檔案管理用英語怎麼說?
file management
常用 重點詞彙
1. 電子記錄儲存- 類似檔案管理。
Comment storage, management, voting
2. 選擇適當的設施,滿足檔案管理的需要.
To choose and set up facility to meet Documents Control requirement.
3. 負責檔案管理,為學員和家長們提供客戶服務。
Responsible for file management, customer service for students and parents.
4. 現場檔案管理;
Site Document control;
5. 在現實中, 很多應用甚至不需要自己關注文件或者檔案管理.
In actuality, many applications need not even concern themselves with document or file management.
6. 基於靜態連結串列的原理,在C51微控制器中實現動態多檔案管理功能。
Dynamic multi-file management is realized using C51 series single-chip processor based on the theory of static linked list.
7. 該系統操作簡單.管理方便.經濟實用,特別適合中小企事業單位的檔案管理。
It is simple in operation, with low cost and management convenience, and suitable to small and middle companies.
8. 在聯合除錯隊檔案管理中實行一體化的管理模式有助於提高管理效率和服務質量。
File management in the Joint Commissioning Team has been exercising integrated management mode, which helps improve management efficiency and service quality.
9. 系統軟體具有資料採集、檔案管理、訊號處理、步態特徵參量提取及分析等多種功能。
The function of software included data acquisition, files management, signal processing and gait parameters abstraction, etc.
10. 使事情複雜化是不會幫助你的工作人員合作默契。如果你執行一個混亂的檔案管理解決方案,還可能提高貴公司的成本。
Making things complicated is not going to assist your staff one bit and may cost your company more money if you implement a confusing document management solution.
file management