大量時間的英文 大量時間用英語怎麼說?
plenty of time 很多時間;大量的時間;充裕的時間
常用 重點詞彙
1. 地層沉積所需的大量時間。
The vast tracts of time required to account for the deposition of the strata.
2. 彭尼投入了大量時間。
Penny put in a tremendous amount of time.
3. 她花大量時間旅行。
She spent a lot of time travelling.
4. 那些對憲法投入大量時間與精力的政界人士會感到沮喪。
Politicians who have invested so much time in the Constitution would be crestfallen.
5. 我花了大量時間採購
I did so much shopping.
6. 準備好為投資者關係投入大量時間。
Be prepared to devote lots of time to investor relations.
7. 使用者花費大量時間察看按鈕和選單。
Users spend a lot of time looking at buttons and menus.
8. 他們去年花了大量時間旅遊.
They spent a great deal of time traveling last year.
9. 這些女性每天都有大量時間呆在網上。
All the women spoke of spending copious time on the Internet.
10. 海關部門花去大量時間追尋毒品走私犯。
The custom department devotes a lot of time hunting drug smugglers .
plenty of time