引起注意的英文 引起注意用英語怎麼說?
capture v.佔有;控制;準確記錄;俘獲;吃;永久俘獲;襲奪;使…保存於電腦中
常用 重點詞彙
1. 他們想引起注意。
They want to attract attention.
2. 這個問題還未引起注意。
The question went unheeded.
3. 湧動的人群不斷高喊著試圖引起注意。
The surging crowds clamoured for attention.
4. 她的譏諷未引起注意。
Her sarcasm went unregarded.
5. 但是這些貢獻幾乎沒有引起注意。
But little or no notice was taken of these contributions.
6. 但他也需要對一些跡象引起注意。
But there are signs that he needs to be careful.
7. 清單 11 中有幾點需要引起注意
There are few things to be noted in Listing 11
8. 越是與眾不同就越能引起注意。
The more extravagant a male is, the more likely he will be noticed.
9. 真奇怪,它以前沒有引起注意。
E. g. It is strange that it hasn't been noticed before.
10. 存在的致命弱點可是要引起注意啊。
There are some serious weaknesses that require urgent attention.
come into notice; capture; excite attention