設計圖紙的英文 設計圖紙用英語怎麼說?
design drawing 設計圖紙;設計製圖;設計草圖
常用 重點詞彙
1. 他的工作是負責設計圖紙和稽核。
He is responsible for the work of design drawings and audit.
2. 鉅額金錢誘使他去偷設計圖紙.
He is induced to steal the plan by an offer of a large amount of money.
3. 他們將原來的設計圖紙進行了修改.
They rejigged their original design drawing.
4. 可根據顧客需求的產品設計圖紙來加工產品。
Can according to customer need of product design diagram paper to process a product.
5. 根據採購規範設計圖紙尋找供應商或製造商;
Selecting appropriate suppliers according to the component specification required by the design team.
6. 你能想像一位工程師在建造大橋時沒有使用設計圖紙嗎?
Can you imagine an engineer building a bridge with no plan?
7. 修改設計時,設計人修改圖形資訊檔案,軟體生成全部設計圖紙。
Modifying design, designer modifies the file of drawing information, and software generates all the drawings.
8. 這是五角大樓最初的設計圖紙,當時還被設計為不規則的五邊形.
An early plot plan for a new War Department headquarters , with its irregular pentagon shape.
9. 後勤部門的資產經常涉及到一些圖形的管理,如物資設施、教室房產、建築物設計圖紙等。
The asset of logistics departments often involves the management of some graphics, such as materials facilities, classrooms real estate, building design drawings, etc.
10. 不鏽鋼渠道閘門,根據上述基本要求以廠商提出的設計圖紙和業主及工程師確認的最終方案為準。
According to the former basic requirement, the stainless steel channel valve gate should follow the layout map of supplier and the final project by the confirmation of landlord and engineer.
design drawing; design paper