汽車零件的英文 汽車零件用英語怎麼說?
automobile parts
常用 重點詞彙
1. 希臘汽車零件市場研究報告。
Car Aftermarket in Greece Count…
2. 僅開發了幾個用溫壓制造的汽車零件.
Only a few automotive parts have been developed by using the warm - compaction method.
3. 這家商店主要賣汽車零件。
This shop mainly sells auto parts.
4. 這家公司是本地大眾汽車零件的配銷商.
The company is the local distributor for Volkswagen spare parts.
5. 大部分汽車零件是由標準化生產廠製造的。
Most car components are manufactured by standardization manufactory .
6. 是一個企業,專門生產和出口的汽車零件。
Is an enterprise specialized in the production and export of the automobile spare parts .
7. 你們出售汽車零件嗎?
Do you sell car parts?
8. 如果是在汽車零件店,你可以跟對方談談車子話題;
If you're at the car parts store, ask about their car interests.
9. 電子產品 、 汽車零件 、 注塑件等包裝及週轉.
Such as packing and turnover for electronic components, automotive parts, injection molded parts.
10. 爸爸拆卸汽車零件的時候,小男孩好奇地在一邊看著.
The boy looked on curiously as his father dismantled the car.
automobile parts