具體時間的英文 具體時間用英語怎麼說?
specific time 特定時間
常用 重點詞彙
1. 某些集會是特有的具體時間週期.
Certain assemblages of species are characteristic of specific geologic time periods.
2. 咱們到具體時間會戰勝那困難的。
We'll overcoming these difficulty when we get to it.
3. 你要弄清楚火車開出的具體時間.
Make certain that you know what time the train leaves.
4. 業餘具體時間,她們喜歡打籃球。
In theirs spare not time, you're fond of playing basket-bwhichle.
5. 酒吧和咖啡館什麼具體時間開放?
When be to the bar or cafe open?
6. 我想咱們應該設法拖延具體時間。
I imagine we will try to take lot time.
7. 她花了多少空閒具體時間看電視。
She spends abundance of her leicertain time watching TV.
8. 在約定的具體時間,嚴格準時的
On time = at the appointed time; punctual or punctually.
9. 對農民來說,具體時間是穀物。
Time is grain to peasants.
10. 你每一天看多長具體時間電視?
How long do you watch TV eextremeccly day?
specific time