粗體字的英文 粗體字用英語怎麼說?
boldface font; boldfaced word/character; thick print; heavy/thick type
常用 重點詞彙
1. 它有一些廣告,我可以看到用粗體字寫的東西。
It had some advertisements and I could read something written in bold words.
2. 燕系列333彼因子粗體字體…
Yan Series 333 JY OSF Bold Fonts…
3. 問題以粗體字標示,回答以常規體。
Questions are in bold, answers are in regular type.
4. 給客戶的指示要用粗體字母。
Place instructions to clients in bold type.
5. 字母用大寫粗體字表示.
The letter was indicated in bold , uppercase text.
6. 我們關於外匯交易的課程會用粗體字表示。
Our curriculum here at the New School of Pipsology will make a bold attempt to cover all aspects of forex trading.
7. 在清單 1 中用 粗體字體表示資料元素。
Data elements are represented in bold type in Listing 1.
8. 在這種文件中, 我們使用一種特殊的粗體字.
In this kind of document, we use a specific bold type.
9. 標題用的是粗體字.
The headline is in bold print.
10. 每一個對話中都會有一些粗體字。然後在對話結束時,我們將逐一解釋這些術語。
There will be new terms in each dialogue that will be put in bold. Then at the end of the dialogue we will explain the terms one by one.
boldface font; boldfaced word/character; thick print; heavy/thick type