心情很好的英文 心情很好用英語怎麼說?
in high spirits 興高采烈地;興致勃勃地
常用 重點詞彙
1. 9月13日,我醒來時心情很好。
On September 13th, I woke up in the best mood.
2. 看起來有什麼事令他心情很好。
He appeared to be in a very good mood about something.
3. 太陽高照,每個人心情都很好.
The sun was shining and everyone was in a good mood.
4. 戴夫:古柏太太今天早上心情很好。
Dave:Mrs. Cooper has been in a very good mood this morning.
5. 輕快旋律,使人心情很好…
Light melody, make people feel good …
6. 邁克爾總是心情很好,總是有一些積極的說。
Michael is always in a good mood and always has something positive to say.
7. 今天很熱,但是沒有太陽。今天我的心情
Today is so hot, though the sun isn't appear. hah, I 'm very happy today…
8. 我今天的心情很好。
I'm in a good mood today.
9. 但這些人的心情很好,堅信他們很快就會出去。
The men are cheerful and confident that they will get out soon.
10. 豐田就可能認定你今天心情很好,然後趁著你心情還不錯把這個版本的廣告發給你。
Well, Toyota might determine that you're feeling positive and serve you this ad while you're in that feel good mood.
in high spirits; in the seventh heaven