亂說的英文 亂說用英語怎麼說?
talk nonsense 瞎說;亂說;廢話
常用 權威
1. 他亂說一通,我們搞不清他想說什麼。
He was jabbering on, and we could not follow what he was trying to say.
2. 我並不是無端亂說。
It is not altogether without reason for me to say so.
3. 他喝了酒無所顧忌地亂說起來。
He loosened up under the liquor.
4. 那個傢伙亂說, 這課程很難!
That guy is full of it. This class is a bear!
5. 不要亂說話,你以後可能會後悔的。
Don't shoot off your mouth, you might regret it later.
6. 這次他會小心措辭、不亂說話。
This time he would guard his tongue more closely.
7. 誰是那小白臉,你可別亂說。
Who is that, you don't blather .
8. 他這樣亂說,妖言惑眾,真是太可惡了.
He is so abhorrent, saying such bullshit to confuse people.
9. 韓佳,你不懂就別亂說了。
Han Jia, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand.
10. 舌頭亂說話,腦袋為代價。
The tongue talk at the head's cost.
亂說,讀音luàn shuō ,漢語詞語,釋義:指沒有根據,不符實際的瞎說,或說胡話。
動詞 speak carelessly/foolishly/indiscreetly; talk in a scatterbrained way; talk nonsense; make irresponsible remarks
1. 他亂說一通,我們搞不清他想說什麼。
He was jabbering on, and we could not follow what he was trying to say.
2. 別亂說。
Watch your tongue.
3. 人前不說,背後亂說
gossip behind people's backs but say nothing to their faces