帶孩子的英文 帶孩子用英語怎麼說?
look after children
常用 重點詞彙
1. 爸爸提議帶孩子們去動物園。
The father suggested taking the children to the zoo.
2. 我工作的時候,他帶孩子們去了公園。
He took the kids to the park while I was working.
3. 她帶孩子們出去時總帶一袋薄紙.
She always takes a pocketful of tissues with her when she goes out with her children.
4. 瑪麗打算開車帶孩子們到鄉下。
Mary plans to run out into the country with her children.
5. 和我都會帶孩子們到公園去玩。
And I like to take them to the park.
6. 他喜歡帶孩子們出去進行遠距離散步。
He enjoyed taking the children out for long walks.
7. 老人帶孩子去買零食和煙花。
The elderly take children to buy snacks and fireworks.
8. 我們帶孩子們去碼頭看船隻。
Dock to see the ships.
9. 不少家長在休息日都帶孩子來喂鴿子.
During the weekends , many parents take their children there to feed the doves.
10. 建立一個菜園,帶孩子們去農場實地考察。
Create a garden, bring children to farms for field trips.
look after children