好高騖遠的英文 好高騖遠用英語怎麼說?
bite off more than one can chew 承擔力所不及的事
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 我們要腳踏實地,不要好高騖遠.
We should be realistic instead of over ambitious.
2. 這個願景需要立即、不好高騖遠的行動。
Such a vision required immediate and lower target action.
3. 但是我知道,不能好高騖遠,要腳踏實地。
But I know that I cannot reach for what is beyond his grasp, and want hardheaded.
4. 好高騖遠的人,也許將來有個難以實現的願望.
A high flier may have an impossible hope for the future.
5. 如果你只顧好高騖遠,你會錯過垂手可得的財富。
If you only look where you can't go, you will miss the riches below.
6. 所以說我希望大學生不要好高騖遠,一步一個腳印。
So , i don't want the college students aim too high , just work steadily.
7. 當前,很多評論家都在奉勸奧巴馬不要過於好高騖遠。
Right now, many commentators are urging Mr. Obama to think small.
8. 放棄這份好差事,我爸會覺得我不知好歹,我媽媽會說我好高騖遠。
Dad will think I'm a fool to leave a good place and Mum will say I'm getting above myself.
9. 所以現在我基本嘗試慢下來,我不會再像上個賽季那樣好高騖遠了。
So , i ' ve just basically been trying to slow down . i ' m not as wide - eyed as i was last year .
10. 不好高騖遠、虛妄自大、眼高手低,要實事求是,這是事業發展的基礎。
Not ambitious, false arrogant, unrealistic expectations, to be realistic, this is the cause of development.
好高騖遠,漢語成語,指的是期望得過高,追求得過遠,也形容不切實際地期望或追求不可能達到的目標。例句有“人應該量力而行,不可好高騖遠。” 該成語出自《宋史·道學傳一·程灝傳》:“病學者厭卑近而騖高遠,卒無成焉。”聯合式,作謂語、賓語、狀語,含貶義。 相關句子有《孽海花》二五回:“珏齋尤其生就一付絕頂聰明的頭腦,帶些好高騖遠的性情。”近義詞為弄虛作假、急功近利、華而不實等,反義詞為腳踏實地、實事求是、安分守己等。
null詞 be over-ambitious; reach for what is beyond one's grasp; aim too high; bite off more than one can chew
be over-ambitious; reach for what is beyond one's grasp; aim too high; bite off more than one can chew