護墊的英文 護墊用英語怎麼說?
protection pad
1. 頭盔裡有海綿護墊。
The headguard is padded with sponge.
2. 板件和護墊板透過緊韌體與底座固連。
The panel and the pad board are fixedly connected with the base by a fastening piece.
3. 我跑得很快,護墊從我內褲裡掉了出來。
As soon as I ran in, my pad fell out of my underwear and onto the floor.
4. 根據要求可改產生產病人、產婦看護墊產品.
As requested, the machine can produce the tending napkin pad for patient and pregnant woman.
5. 每個女人都要買護墊,都要處理用過的衛生用品。
Every woman has to purchase pads and dispose of bloody feminine hygiene products.
6. 如果你覺得肘或膝部護墊很不舒服的話, 那就試試戴石膏吧.
If you think elbow and knee pads knee pads might be restrictive, try a cast.
7. 許多新興企業透過加工棉布纖維將舊的針織品製成了護墊。 。
Many start-ups process cotton fibre from old knitwear into pads.
8. 用來包裝易碎物品的夾層膠料。 夾在膠料中的氣珠就是包裝的護墊。
A sheet of plastic holding bubbles of air which form a cushion of protection for packing fragile materials.
9. 我們在學校發起了護墊捐贈活動,並把收集到的數百個護墊都捐贈了出去。
We donated hundreds of pads that we had collected through a pad donation drive at school.
10. 把這張表填一填,交學費、護墊、( 芭蕾舞)鞋和裙子費用共200美元。
Please complete this form and pay200 dollars for tuition and padded shoes and skirt.