物極必反的英文 物極必反用英語怎麼說?
extremes meet 兩極相逢
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 但是它也可能物極必反。
But it can go too far.
2. 但差別太大則會物極必反, 破壞一個平衡.
But the difference was too large will meet, to destroy the balance.
3. 物極必反,在這個假設的情況下,沒有人能活下來。
Too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, and in this hypothetical case, it would so bad that no one would survive.
4. 凡事都存在正負二個方面,可謂物極必反,就是所謂的辯證。
There are always two sides to a coin, which is the essence of dialectical thinking.
5. 然而物極必反,在全世界離婚率最高的美國也有走另一個極端的。
However, things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme, American with the highest divorce rate of the world also has the ones with extremeness.
6. 有多少人敢於逆勢而動,去風險中淘金?我們忽略了物極必反的道理。
How many people dare to trend moving to the risk of gold? We lose sight of the reason the extremes meet.
7. 本文首先分析了無窮的數學定義存在的問題,給出了中國傳統哲學之物極必反的數學表達.
The perfectibility of the definition about the infinitude in mathematics was analyzed firstly in this paper.
8. 物極必反,盈則必虧,如果你為產品做廣告,不妨有意味地暴露某點不足,定會收到意想不到的效果。
Extremes meet, it certainly profit loss, if you advertise for the products may have a means to expose the lack of a point will receive unexpected results.
9. 為了健康,我們去喝豆漿是沒有錯的,但是我們不能喝太多,我們應該知道中國的一個成語“物極必反”。
It is no wrong that we drink soya-bean milk for health, but we cannot drink too much, we should know the chinese saying \Extremes meet\.
物極必反,是漢語成語,指事物發展到頂點,就一定會向相反的方面轉化。例句有“當知器滿則傾,須知物極必反”。 該成語出自宋代朱熹的《近思錄》引宋代程頤曰:“如《復卦》言七日來複,其間無不斷續,陽已復生,物極必返,其理須如此。”緊縮式;作謂語、定語、分句;含貶義。 相關近義詞有周而復始、否極泰來、樂極生悲等,反義詞有千篇一律。
《物極必反》是由Martin Kunert執導,Ken Milchick、Brad Squires、Ken Strunk、Dean Patterson等主演的電影,於1998年12月4日在美國上映。 影片講述了以特種警察傑克為首的受到過處分的警察組成了一支突擊隊,不顧法律的約束,清除社會毒瘤的故事。
null詞 things turn into their opposites when they reach the extreme—no extreme will hold long; once a certain limit is reached, a change in the opposite direction is inevitable; extremes meet
things turn into their opposites when they reach the extreme—no extreme will hold long; once a certain limit is reached, a change in the opposite direction is inevitable; extremes meet