歸咎於的英文 歸咎於用英語怎麼說?
attribute v.把… 歸因於;把…歸咎於;認為作品(或話語)屬於;認為…具有某種特質
ascribe v.歸因;把…的原因看成是;認為(文章、引文或藝術作品)是某人(或在某一時期)所作;歸屬
impute v.把(某事物;尤指令人不快的事物)歸於;把…歸因於;把…歸咎於;估算;把(正直品格、罪名等)歸給;歸屬於
常用 重點詞彙
1. 這可以歸咎於課本的高昂價格。
But this can be chalked up to the excessively high cost of their books.
2. 德納姆女士選擇將責任歸咎於NHS信託。
Ms Denham chose to concentrate the blame on the NHS trust.
3. 我們經常將壓力歸咎於廣泛的經歷,比如工作。
We often chalk up our stress to broad experiences like work.
4. 很多人發現早上很難起床,並將責任歸咎於鬧鐘。
Lots of people find it hard to get up in the morning and put the blame on the alarm clock.
5. 伯切爾現在長大了,也聰明瞭,他把這件事歸咎於年輕時的輕率。
Older and wiser now, Burchill chalked up the incident to youthful indiscretion (莽撞).
6. 很多失敗都應歸咎於粗心。
Carelessness deserves the blame for many failures.
7. 他把一切都歸咎於我。
He put all the blame on me.
8. 暴亂的最終責任應歸咎於該國總統。
The ultimate responsibility for the violence lies with the country's president.
9. 他把城市的淪陷歸咎於人民的不虔誠。
He blamed the fall of the city on the impiety of the people.
10. 他們毫不含糊地歸咎於總統。
They placed the blame squarely on the president.
attribute; ascribe; impute; charge upon; pin B on A