不負眾望的英文 不負眾望用英語怎麼說?
come/live up to popular expectations; not fall short of popular expectations; not let others down
常用 權威 重點詞彙
1. 關鍵時刻,他往往不負眾望。
When it came to the point he would probably do what was expected of him.
2. 在這麼多人的希冀下,你不負眾望。
In the hope of so many people, you did not let us down.
3. 我一定要不負眾望,取得最後的勝利.
I will live up to your expectations and be victorious.
4. 你必須證明你能不負眾望.
You must prove you can deliver the goods.
5. 而且今年也是不負眾望,
And this year is no exception.
6. 烏拉圭隊不負眾望過關斬將,鄉親們都非常高興。
Uruguay lived up to its reputation and delighted the home fans by disposing of one team after another.
7. 你會不負眾望地完成高質量的工作,並且做得比人們期望的更好。
You produce quality work and don’t let people down.
8. 但是在20世紀60年代,美國人確信他們的制度能夠不負眾望。
But in the 1960s Americans were sure their system could deliver the goods.
9. 我將以參議員丹尼爾?帕特里克?莫伊尼漢為榜樣,儘自己最大的努力不負眾望。
I will...I will do everything I can to be worthy of your faith and trust and to honor the powerful example of Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
10. 米歇爾·奧巴馬不負眾望,選擇一襲象牙白的雪紡長裙,曼哈頓新人設計師吳季剛操刀設計。
Michelle Obama didn't disappoint, choosing an ivory chiffon gown by Manhattan-based newcomer Jason Wu.
不負眾望,是漢語成語,意思是不辜負大家的期望。例句有“我在比賽中不負眾望地取得了優異成績”。 該詞出自熊召政《張居正》第四卷第23回的“宋儀望起復履任之後,果然不負眾望。”成語用法動賓式;作謂語;含褒義。 近義詞有眾望所歸,反義詞有大失所望、不孚眾望。
null詞 come/live up to popular expectations; not fall short of popular expectations; not let others down
come/live up to popular expectations; not fall short of popular expectations; not let others down