出色表現的英文 出色表現用英語怎麼說?
outstanding performance 出色表現;傑出的表現
常用 重點詞彙
1. 稱讚對方參賽隊在比賽中的出色表現。
Complimenting the other team's good play.
2. 因為他的出色表現, 公司賞他一輛車.
Because of his outstanding performance, the company awarded him a car.
3. 我感謝你在本次家庭防盜演習中的出色表現。
I thank you in this household anti-theft performance in the exercise.
4. 這些馬兒的出色表現給我帶來了無比的歡樂.
The joy I feel when those horses excel is tremendous.
5. 那些在領導力方面有著更加出色表現的女性。
With women who have excelled and advanced in leadership together.
6. 我們也喜歡在協作學習方面有出色表現的學生。
We also seek students who are interested in engaging in collaborative learning.
7. 沒有出色表現的債務為基礎的市場一直關注疑問。
There is no doubt that debt outstanding performance-based market has been concerned about.
8. 由於奈特在派對上的出色表現,她又回到了他的身邊。
She then went back to Nate after he finally showed some gumption at the ball.
9. 由於羅納爾多的出色表現,他被選入巴西國家足球對。
Owing to his fantastic performance, Ronaldo got the call-up to the full Brazil national squad.
10. 國際領先技術的出色表現,使CDL成為高品質香水的代名詞.
Leading international technology for the excellent performance of the CDL as a synonym for high - quality perfume.
outstanding performance