線上聊天的英文 線上聊天用英語怎麼說?
online chat; chat online
常用 重點詞彙
1. 觀眾能夠匯入即時聊天夥伴名單並在觀看同一個節目時與朋友線上聊天。
Viewers can import their instant - messaging buddy lists and chat online with friends while watching the same programme.
2. 我們應該招募受過訓練的志願者,並將他們安排在等候室、熱線電話、線上聊天
We should get volunteers trained to sit in waiting rooms, to be on hotlines, to have online chat forums, to have chat boxes.
3. 在另外一邊可能是個年輕人想要和朋友線上聊天。
On the other side there could be a teen chatting with friends online.
4. 我們可以用網路發郵件給朋友,並且與網友線上聊天
We can use the Internet to send e-mails to friends and talk with friends online.
5. 使用開源指令碼建立一個類別和子類別巢狀幫助與支援線上聊天選項.
Using opensource scripts create a nested help with categories and subcategories with support live chat option.
6. 如果你迫切需要援助,但是,速度選擇喜歡線上聊天和回撥支援可供選擇。
If you urgently need assistance, however, speed options like live chat and the call-back support are available.
7. 然而,記者嘗試在3個不同的日期、不同的場合進行線上聊天,延遲了1-4個小時才聯絡上客服代表。
However, this reporter tried the online chat on three different occasions on three different days with delays of one to four hours to reach a rep.
8. 每天提供與僱主線上聊天時段,還有職業顧問可以提供線上指導。
Employer chats will be offered each day along withe-guidance sessions with careers advisers.
9. 專門提供線上聊天系統連線的網路伺服器.
An Internet server dedicated to the task of serving IRC connections.
10. 可以使使用者連線到線上聊天系統的計算機程式.
A computer program that enables a user to connect to IRC.
be online; (of science and technology) be controlled by a certain system
chitchat; chat; coze; chew the rag; visit with